Case Study: What Do People Actually Think of Travel-Based Virtual Reality?

Destination marketers who haven’t tried virtual reality, and some who have, often want to know what everyday people think of the technology. After all, when considering investing in an emerging tech, it’s vital to fully comprehend how their audience might interact and engage with the new experience.

Recently, YouVisit partnered with Greenlight VR, a marketing intelligence firm, and EaseVR, a virtual reality data collection company, to answer this question by analyzing how people react to travel-based virtual reality experiences, such as a virtual visit to a Carnival cruise ship.

The study, “Measuring and Maximizing User Experience for Virtual Reality,” found that virtual travel experiences are highly effective, and create a sense of presence for viewers. This is exciting for travel marketers, because it shows that travel-based VR experiences are effective for attracting and engaging potential visitors.

The study looked at a viewer’s sense of presence while inside a virtual reality travel experience. More specifically, it examined if people felt transported to another world, as well as measured their excitement, joy, and amazement.

Presence is vital to virtual reality. It is one of the major aspects that makes the tech distinct from other conventional forms of media. For example, virtual reality would not be as effective if viewers didn’t truly believe they were visiting or exploring a destination or event.

“VR as a medium demands this level of presence,” Greenlight VR wrote in the report, “and as indicated from this data, it is achievable in travel-based experiences.”

Some of the key findings from the study were:

  • The majority of people—80 percent—who participated in the study, reported they felt transported to a different world.
  • 66 percent of people who viewed the travel-based experience said it excited them.
  • Almost two-thirds of people said the travel-based virtual reality experience they viewed made them feel a sense of joy.
  • 58 percent of people said the experience was amazing.

The study also looked at other emotions related to presence, such as fear, anxiousness, and sadness, as well as health effects.

To learn more about how people react to travel-based virtual reality experiences, visit our hotel and destination marketing pages.