College Campus Tours

Travel time and considerable costs have traditionally kept prospective students to only a few choice college tours. But your institution could make itself accessible to an unlimited number of qualified international applicants by removing those factors. YouVisit's unmatched virtual tour software allows us to create, customized virtual college campus tours, which can be accessed from school Websites, Facebook, mobile apps and college selection Websites. In addition, YouVisit offers an assortment of social media and mobile applications. Prospective students, faculty members and their families can explore your grounds from the comfort of their computers or smartphones.

Virtual college tour guides escort prospective students and their families through 360-degree panoramic views, video content and rich media. The success we have achieved for numerous college and university institutions, which have implemented online virtual tours, has positioned YouVisit as a nationally recognized industry leader. The Next-Generation 360 Virtual Campus Visit will create new opportunities for your institution, such as increased visitors, quality inquiries, campus diversity and qualified applicants. Easily monitored stats record the program's effectiveness and allow you to improve your interactive content based on the behavior of online visitors. Clients using our virtual university tours have reported as much as a 30% increase in physical campus visits, exposure to prospective students in more than 100 countries and swelling conversion rates that translate to quality applications and enrollment.

College Campus Tours Services:

  • Customized Program: Based on a thorough assessment of your institution's needs, YouVisit experts outline their recommendations for a personalized program.
  • Fast Turnaround: YouVisit project managers deliver and launch your custom Virtual Visit within six to eight weeks.
  • No Guesswork: YouVisit's interactive online solutions are tracked and measured. Past successes created as much as an 80% increase in inquiries, 30% increase in physical campus visits, increased diversity with visitors spanning more than 100 countries and higher conversion rates for applications and enrollment.

College Campus Tours Products:

  • Virtual Tour Models
  • Facebook Services
  • HD Video Production
  • Mobile Apps

Contact YouVisit if you are interested in a complimentary Web evaluation and consultation, or to learn more about our online virtual tours. For more information on ensuring that your college, school and/or university is always accessible to viable candidates, please call YouVisit at 866.585.7158, or click here to contact one of our representatives.